Loggerhead Park offers many fun activities including sunbathing, beach combing, wildlife watching, picnicking, hiking, fishing, swimming, surfing, kitesurfing, windsurfing, paddle boarding, jet-skiing, surf-skiing, waterskiing, parasailing, boating, kayaking, and canoeing. If you are planning to enter the water near Loggerhead Park, we recommend being careful as it is known to have unpredictable rip currents. In addition, it is also important to note that portions of the water near Loggerhead Park are reserved solely for swimmers - surfing and fishing are prohibited within these portions. Depending on the time of the year, you can watch many kinds of animals in the water near Loggerhead Park including sea turtles and dolphins. Sea turtles also use the beach in Loggerhead Park as a seasonal nesting spot. If you are planning to fish in the water near Loggerhead Park, we recommend ensuring compliance with the local fishing regulations.
Loggerhead Marinelife Center is also present in Loggerhead Park - this center focuses on the rehabilitation and conservation of sea turtles. This academic center is also dedicated to sea turtle-related research and education. The center also offers visitors a unique opportunity to watch the sea turtles recuperating within its premises and know more about these wonderful creatures.