If you like to hike, there are various trails that lead to the top of Point Dume, a large, round, rock-like plateau that is several hundred feet in diameter and has incredible views of the ocean that makes it an Instagram-worthy and very popular place to take photos. This large rock is part of the Point Dume Natural Preserve which is open from 5 am to 7 pm. If you’re looking out at the ocean, you can see the uncrowded and beautiful Point Dume Beach to your left which currently cannot be accessed unless you own a home above that has a private staircase to the beach. The City of Malibu is building a large staircase that allows easy access which should be finished in late 2021. If you look to the right from Point Dume, you can see Pirates Cove Beach, which is small, hard to-to-access beach that also makes it uncrowded. To get there from Westward Beach, you will need to venture out into the water and go about 100 feet to your left around large, sharp boulders – this can be dangerous, so if you’re going to do this, we recommend waiting for low tide when the waters are calm. Depending on the time of year, visitors to Westward Beach can spot many species of sea mammals including dolphins, whales, seals, and sea lions.