If you are looking for nearby attractions near Deer Creek Beach, Point Dume is 15-minutes away – it is a promontory that projects into the Pacific Ocean forming the northern end of Santa Monica Bay, and is a perfect spot for hiking, especially for beginners because of its natural climbing wall with moderate single-pitch rock climbing routes. Paramount Ranch is a national park with several hiking trails through chaparral, riparian, and valley oak savannah plant communities, multi-use trails for mountain bikers, and wildlife sightings including red-tailed hawks, acorn woodpeckers, blue heron, and deer. It has been featured as an old western town in many famed Hollywood movies and television series, most notably Caught in the Draft, The Lake House, and Westworld. Spread across 1,000 acres on the Saddleback Ranch, Malibu Wine Safaris features safari trips to see zebras, camels, alpacas, bison, and a giraffe named Stanley, wine tastings, and a visit to the ancient Chumash cave paintings. Heal the Bay Aquarium, also known as the Santa Monica Pier Aquarium, offers educational programs, and events to spread awareness for marine conservation, pollution prevention, and environmental education to over 100,000 visitors every year.